Welcome to Cardlytics Technical Documentation!
The Cardlytics platform is designed and implemented to provide you with the technical documentation you need to advertise with our platform, manage and grow your business.
This platform is now the source of truth for all Cardlytics technical documentation and product offerings, moving forward.
Our Engineering and Product teams have fully reviewed and vetted the technical content, ensuring that what you read and discover here is current and up to date, with the goal of enabling the best possible outcome for your marketing, programming and advertising efforts.
At a Glance
For advertisers and merchants—in case you're an existing customer—our docs have moved and been revamped to encompass our entire and future product line: for example, Ads Manager for advertisers and agencies, Bridg and Rippl for CPG.
If you're a Publisher, you'll find a completely updated, vetted and transformed version of our existing standard Publisher v2.0 offering documentation, divided into these sections: Guides and API Reference with embedded cross-links from one section to the other.
You'll now find detailed user guides and FAQs introducing you to Ads Manager, our proprietary booking software that provides marketers with the tools and capabilities they need to reach Cardlytics' unique audience on exclusive supply. Check it out and be sure to sign up.
Reach out to your account manager to gain access to Ads Manager.
The new documentation platform was created for easier understanding, improved performance and navigation of our product offerings, user interfaces and APIs. As you iterate from top of tree to various branches in the Table of Contents (TOC), you'll find a sequence of topics designed to walk you systematically through the steps that you need to know to work successfully with our products.
In one sequence, for example, you'll traverse the TOC from Welcome to Ads Manager to User Guides to FAQs, learning and discovering as you go. In another sequence, you'll find the documentation guide for integrations with our API, describing in detail the specific steps you should follow, including prerequisites, implementation and options when performing those integrations.
Each page also includes a mini-TOC in the right navigation rail, enabling you to track and locate topics of interest without excessive scrolling up and down the contents on the page.

The platform now provides you with an AI-enhanced Search capability. Simply enter your search query into the search field in the upper right corner of each page, press Return or Enter, and you'll see a "Thinking" indicator appear, as the bot formulates an appropriate answer.

At the bottom of each page you'll find an option to comment. Be sure to enter your comments in the box provided. We need to hear from you, regarding changes, fixes and updates to our technical content.

If you need to print out a PDF of any page, simply select the Print option in your browser. Clean, easy to read printouts in PDF format can be saved to your computer or other devices.
The technical content on each page of the new platform doc hub has been carefully reviewed and edited prior to release. That said, you may find items that need clarification, fixing or modification for better understanding. Make sure that you let us know by reaching out to your account manager or point of contact.
If you navigate to our previous Cardlytics Documentation Publisher Solution, docs.cardlytics.com, note that you’ll be redirected to this new revamped platform site, platform.cardlytics.com. Be sure to update your bookmarks to our new documentation hub.
The Cardlytics team values your input and feedback. Reach out to your account manager or point of contact if you have questions or issues that need to be addressed.
You can also use the Suggested Edits functionality on the top of each Guides page (not the API Reference), which takes you a panel where you can enter your proposed revisions and updates.