Real-Time Messaging (RTM)

Use RTM for posting certain events to publishers as soon as they are made available


Cardlytics supports a Real-Time Messaging (RTM) interface that posts certain events to publishers as soon as they are made available. As a publisher, you can use these events to drive a variety of marketing workflows in order to better engage your customers with the offers program.

How to Set up RTM

To set up RTM, you'll need to set an endpoint in your app to consume RTM events. Once you have done that, you can coordinate with Cardlytics to begin sending events to that endpoint.

Contact your designated Cardlytics implementation consultant for more information.

Supported RTM Events

Redemption Notification

eventRealtimeMessagingEventTypeType of RTM event
eventIdstringUnique uuid associated with the RTM event
eventTimestampstringISO 8601 timestamp representing when the redemption event occurred
redemptionsRedemption[]List of redemptions


The following example represents a confirmed redemption event. It describes a webhook payload for a successful redemption processing after a cleared transaction.

    "eventId": "380052b4-3a64-4952-b640-ba696eb9f44b",
    "eventTimestamp": "2023-04-29T11:06:55.000Z",
    "redemptions": [
            "redemptionId": "992745",
            "adId": "123",
            "amount": 5.00,
            "redemptionDate": "2023-03-21T12:58:34Z",
            "sourceCustomerId": "609a180c-c896-4ccb-8ef6-8b24fd6ef32b",
            "sourceAccountId": "388836454",
            "redeemingTransactionAmount": 34.46,
            "transactionId": "929994552",
            "rewardSettlementRunDate": "2023-03-23T10:44:23Z"

Redemption Notification -- Pending


The example shows the payload for a realtime message after an eligible authenticated transaction.
