Web SDK - Operational Modules
Use widgets as an entry point for consumers to view their rewards
You can include a UI Widget in your own app experience as an entry point for consumers to view their rewards. This encourages engagement with rewards prior to entering the full screen reward experience.
You can customize aspects of the Widget including but not limited to: its display style and the animation for presenting the full rewards experience.
<div style="float: left; width: 40%; border: 1px solid #CCC;"><img src="../../assets/images/unifiedSDK_mobile_vertical_widget.png" width="100%"></div>
<div style="float: right; width: 40%; border: 1px solid #CCC;"><img src="../../assets/images/unifiedSDK_mobile_horizontal_widget.png" width="100%"></div>
<div style="clear:both"></div>
Widget Integration
To create a CDLXOffersWidgetView
you'll need to pass the makeWidgetView
method a widget configuration, which includes the style type of the widget you would like displayed. Additionally, you'll have to include the presenting UIViewController
for the widget to be able to open the Rewards Experience when tapped.
let configuration = CDLXOffersWidgetConfiguration(style: .basicHorizontalList)
let widgetView = CDLX.unsafeInstance.makeWidgetView(configuration, presentingViewController: self)
There are two primary ways to include the widget in your app experience. Please make sure when including the OffersWidget
that you include a widget style. For more information on how to change widget style, see the section on Customize Display Style.
??? abstract "XML"
app:widgetStyle="grid" /> ```
??? abstract "Kotlin"
val offersWidget = OffersWidget(context)
CDLXOffersWidgetConfiguration().apply {
style = Style.Grid
) ``
Customizing the Display Style
The widget supports three different style configurations to display rewards to a user. It can display rewards in a grid, a vertical list, or a horizontal list. See below for how to specify that configuration.
Using the style
attribute on the CDLXOffersWidgetConfiguration
you can use the options: basicGrid
, basicVerticalList
, or basicHorizontalList
to change the display style.
CDLXOffersWidgetConfiguration(style: .basicHorizontalList)
CDLXOffersWidgetConfiguration(style: .basicGrid)
CDLXOffersWidgetConfiguration(style: .basicVerticalList)
??? abstract "XML"
Using the widgetStyle
attribute you can set the: grid
, vertical
, or horizontal
to change the display style.
??? abstract "Kotlin"
After having created an OffersWidget you can programtically change the style of the widget by calling the setConfiguration
method and passing in a CDLXOffersWidgetConfiguration
and setting the style
variable using either: Style.Grid
, Style.VerticalList
, or Style.HorizontalList
CDLXOffersWidgetConfiguration().apply {
style = Style.Grid
CDLXOffersWidgetConfiguration().apply {
style = Style.VerticalList
CDLXOffersWidgetConfiguration().apply {
style = Style.HorizontalList
} ```
Loading a Widget
Once the widget is integrated and ready for display, load the widget to display offers.
If the widget has successfully loaded offers, calling this a second time without setting forceReload
will have no effect. If the widget encountered an error or loaded no offers, calling this a second time will attempt to load offers again.
Calling again with forceReload: true
will always initiate a fresh load of the widget. Default value forceReload: false
CDLX.unsafeInstance.loadWidget(configuration, forceReload: true) ``
??? abstract "Kotlin"
PoweredByCDLX.instance?.loadWidget(widgetConfiguration) ```
Displaying Program Education Alerts
The widget offers support for the option to display a program educational alert without routing the user into the Cardlytics rewards experience. This can give the user more information on the rewards experience prior to entering that flow. This information can by configured real time with any SDK updates.
<div style="margin:0 auto; width: 30%; border: 1px solid #CCC;"><img src="../../assets/images/programEducationAlert.png" width="100%"></div>
Presents the alert associated with the specified widget.
let configuration = CDLXOffersWidgetConfiguration(style: .basicVerticalList)
CDLX.unsafeInstance.presentWidgetAlert(configuration, presentingViewController: self)
Customizing Rewards Experience Display & Dismiss Animation
The widget supports two different animation styles for presenting the Cardlytics SDK on iOS. First is the horizontalModal
in which the Rewards Experience slides in from the right of the screen while the presenting view does not animate. Second is the navigationPush
in which the Rewards Experience slides in from the right of the screen, while the presenting view is shifted slightly to the left. This mimics the presentation animation of a typical navigation controller.
To change the animation style, set the preferredNavigationAnimation
in the CDLXOffersWidgetConfiguration
object you create before instantiating the widget view.
let configuration = CDLXOffersWidgetConfiguration(style: .basicHorizontalList, preferredNavigationAnimation: .horizontalModal)
let widgetView = CDLX.unsafeInstance.makeWidgetView(configuration, presentingViewController: self)
view.addSubview(widgetView) ```
The default animation for showing the Rewards Experience is navigationPush
To customize the animation for the entry and exit of the Rewards Experience you can provide your own XML View Animation.
??? abstract "XML"
app:widgetNavExitAnimation="@anim/fade_out" /> ```
??? abstract "Kotlin"
CDLXOffersWidgetConfiguration().apply {
style = Style.Grid
enterAnimationId = R.anim.fade_in
exitAnimationId = R.anim.fade_out
Updated 5 months ago