Create customer event

Using this endpoint shown below, you can capture user activity throughout a session. A variety of event types are available which can be used to model specific user interactions, such as interacting with an offer, denoting an impression from an Ad and exploring a history of offer redemptions.

Some event types also require a metadata object to be provided in order to accurately represent the behavior being modeled. See the ClientEventMessage type definition for more information.

POST /v2/events/clientEvent

Input Parameters

clientEventsClientEventMessage[]RequiredA list of client event messages


This endpoint returns an HTTP response indicating success or failure.



POST /v2/events/clientEvent

    "clientEvents": [
            "clientEventId": "dde3b802-10fb-11ee-be56-0242ac120002",
            "clientEventType": "AdImpression",
            "clientEvent": "AdViewableImpression",
            "clientEventTimestamp": "2023-06-22T13:00:16Z",
            "clientEventMetadata": {
                "serveToken": "91e471aed3c04b81bee792f23ad4859d",
                "section": "SMS",
                "channel": "OLB",
                "imageSlots": ["logo", "smallRectangle", "largeRectangle"]


    "requestId": "380052b4-3a64-4952-b640-ba696eb9f44b"