EmailActivatable email
SMSText messaging channel
MMSMultimedia text messaging channel
TransactionUnderneath or relative to a specific debit/credit transaction
SummaryA section which displays a summary of the customer’s rewards and/or offers
DashboardA section featuring the rewards program’s education, instructions, or other things for interfacing with the rewards program other than viewing offer details and rewards
LandingCustomer landing page for a website or web application
OnboardingPageRewards program onboarding page
LatestOffersLatest Offers section
ExpiringSoonExpiring Soon section
RewardSummaryListViewReward Summary list view
CategoryViewA category-based offers section. If this value is used in a client event, the categoryId from the original serve event should be included. See the ClientEventMetadata definition for more information
CurationViewA curation-based offers section. The same usage rule-of-thumb applies as with CategoryView above: if this value is used in a client event, the curationId from the original serve event should be included

| Widget Account Overview | Account Overview are of the widget |

| Widget Debit | Debit area of the widget |

|Widget Credit | Credit area of the widget |

| Map | A map view such as MapQuest |